Contributed by: Healthians Team


Your blood pressure and heart health are directly impacted by the food you eat. In addition, a diet deficient in proteins, vitamin B12, and vitamin B9 (commonly referred to as folate) can help prevent your body from generating enough red blood cells, which can cause anaemia and low blood pressure.

Therefore, it is crucial to eat meals that have the proper ratio of each vitamin. This will help your body keep its blood pressure at or below 120/80 mm Hg.

A blood pressure reading of less than 90/60 mm Hg is a clear indication of hypotension, according to medical professionals. 

Therefore, a healthy diet that helps elevate blood pressure is recommended as part of the therapy regimen by physicians and dieticians.

Impact of diet on low blood pressure 

  • Foods high in carbohydrates are digested by the body more quickly than other foods, which causes a dramatic reduction in blood pressure. Doctors advise cutting back on carbohydrates and replacing them with sources of proteins and lipids.
  • Anaemia is brought on by inadequate haemoglobin production, which can be caused by a diet poor in protein and iron. Patients who are anaemic also have hypotension. Therefore, a good diet high in protein and iron-rich foods can aid in the treatment of this illness.
  • Red blood cell formation is increased by vitamin B12. Therefore, a vitamin B12 insufficiency can cause a drop in blood pressure.
  • For the creation and proper development of blood cells, folate, or vitamin B9, is essential. Consuming it is also vital to keep blood pressure within normal range.


Minerals, protein, and vitamins are abundant in meat. That so, due to their high quantities of folate, vitamin B12, protein, and iron, eggs are a good alternative for those with low blood pressure who cannot eat red meat. A hard-boiled egg offers 9% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B12 (RDA).

Additionally, it has 1.2mg of iron, 6.3g of proteins, and 22mcg of folate. Also, there is 87g of water in raw egg whites.

So it seems sensible that incorporating eggs into your diet can help you avoid anaemia, which lowers blood pressure.


Omega-3 fats, which have been linked to good heart health, are abundant in salmon and other fatty fish.

In actuality, salmon includes 61mg of sodium and 22g of proteins per 100g, both of which can help to regulate blood pressure.

Additionally, raw pink salmon has around 75g of water in it. Furthermore, since salty foods like smoked salmon can raise blood pressure, experts advise against eating them.


Due to their high iron and folate content, lentils are essential for those with anaemia and hypotension. 100 grammes of lentils include 3.3 mg of iron and 181 mcg of folate in them.

For instance, 72gm of water are included in a 100gm portion of canned baked beans. Therefore, it is suggested that you eat lentils if you have low blood pressure.


Tea and coffee, among other beverages, can raise your heart rate and briefly elevate your blood pressure.

Caffeine really raises blood pressure within the first hour of consumption, and its effects linger for roughly 2 to 3 hours.

Here, it is important to emphasise that this gain is modest and transient. Additionally, not everyone is affected by caffeine use in the same way.

Thus habitual coffee consumers might not notice any rise in blood pressure after ingesting caffeine.


Due to its high water content, folate, and iron content, broccoli is a good option for vegans and vegetarians. In actuality, 89% of a cup of raw broccoli is water.

As a result, adding it to a diet of foods for those with low blood pressure is a wise decision.

Additionally, a cup of raw broccoli has 78mcg of folate and 2.5g of protein. In addition, a cup of cooked broccoli has 93g of water and about 1mg of iron.


Raisins not only lower high blood pressure but also effectively control low blood pressure.

10 pieces of raisins can be soaked in water overnight. You can have them one at a time the next morning on an empty stomach. 

As an alternative, you can also drink water that has raisins soaked in it.

Final thoughts

Blood pressure can be impacted by a variety of medical issues, ageing, and drugs.

Make sure your blood pressure is at a healthy level for you by working with your healthcare practitioner.

Blood pressure levels may also be impacted by specific meals.

It’s crucial to speak with a doctor or dietitian if you’re attempting to increase your blood pressure via food to ensure that you’re getting the nourishment you need.

In addition to that, you can also keep a check on regular blood pressure levels by opting for health screening as it gives vital insights into your health and well-being so that you can take necessary measures to enhance it.

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